Community Sponsor

8 ticket package:
2 tickets or links to each opening night

On-stage recognition (in-person only)

1/4 page advertisement in printed or on-line program

Logo placement on all print, eblast and web materials

Show Sponsor

16 season ticket package:
4 tickets or links to each opening night

On- stage recognition (in-person only)

1/2 page advertisement in printed or on-line program

Logo placement on all print, eblast and web materials

Sponsor biography on BBRT website

Season Sponsor

24 season ticket package:
6 tickets or links to each opening night 

On-stage recognition (in-person only)

Full page advertisement in printed or on-line program

Logo placement on all print, eblast and web materials

Sponsor biography on BBRT website

Invitation to first read though of each play for 4 people. (Via Zoom while restrictions continue)